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Powtoon for

Start creating your professional content in a flash with Powtoon. From our extensive library of manufacting-specific props and scenes to completely customizable characters, our studio simplifies your video content creation.
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How can we work together?

Manufacture pros worldwide are using Powtoon to boost their learning & communication initiatives. Let’s join forces to elevate your…

AI for L&D:
The Future of Video Content is Here

Uncover ways to equip you and your employees with the power of AI video creation.

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Rules of Engagement:
From Passive Viewing to Active Participation

Learn about video’s impact on engagement with real statistics to help you improve retention

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Training in the Flow of Work: Scale Engaging L&D for Frontline  Workers

See how leveraging a video strategy with your frontline workers can increase skill development and deliver meaningful results.

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“Before using Powtoon, [...] our videos were just plain text and words on words on words. Powtoon breaks that up with music, characters, sounds and beautiful visuals.”


Why is Powtoon the Right Choice for You?

Powtoon helps you boost your L&D strategy by creating engaging, digestible, bite-sized content.

With millions of props, stock assets, and customizable characters, it’s the ideal addition to your content creation efforts
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Powtoon Includes:


Manufacturing props


of stock photos & videos


pre-built manufacturing templates

Manufacturing Videos Made with Powtoon





Available Manufacturing Templates

Workforce Safety

Workforce Safety Compliance

“Powtoon has helped us improve our communication by enabling us to be more creative and effective. If there is something we’re communicating, any one of us can create it. We use [Powtoon] for everything!”

Irene Fernández Schwartz
Senior HR Specialist at ENAIRE

“Powtoon allows you to put things you have in your head quite directly into a video. With Powtoon, you have an idea and you can almost immediately go and make it happen.”

Roland Fry
eLearning Instructor at Skyguide

Join the 50 Million Professionals Who
Love Using Powtoon

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Made in Webflow