How to Manage Remote Workers — Keep Them Productive & Engaged with Video
How do you manage remote workers effectively? It’s a question more professionals are asking every day, as the Coronavirus outbreak has suddenly forced millions of employees all over the world to start working remotely.
It’s a challenge for workers themselves to stay productive and connected. But for managers, it’s way more challenging! Managers, HR representatives, trainers, and L&D professionals are now tasked with the responsibility of ensuring business continuity, top down.
Let’s take a look at essential questions every manager should be asking, as well as some powerful video templates no manager can be caught without in the age of remote work.
Ensure Employee Health & Safety
But first, ensure Employee Health & Safety with the most effective tool for remote learning VIDEO. Here’s an example of using a video guide to promote COVID-19 awareness and prevention.
4 Critical Questions For Every Remote Manager
Once your team is well briefed on your company’s procedures, and their own health and safety is protected, you need to ask yourself a few questions.
- How do you quickly and effectively create material for remote working?
- Which digital platforms will you use to stay connected and keep an open line of communication with colleagues?
- How do you keep staff productive, motivated and responsive?
- And, with no end in sight to the COVID-19 outbreak, how do you come up with creative new ideas, assignments and projects for your team?
These questions are essential, as more companies have been forced to incorporate remote working policies, such as Google, Amazon and even NASA. They’ve stepped up to the plate by adapting new guidelines, providing updated Coronavirus information, and most importantly, laying down clear step-by-step instructions on how to move forward.
And you better believe they have a strategy for managers to stay connected to their teams…
Managing Remote Workers With the Power of Video
The truth is, the next best thing to being there is being seen. Video allows managers to connect screen-to-screen (if not face-to-face) with their team members. And using video to accomplish simple tasks you used to do in person can actually help replace the organic structure an office usually gives us.
But wait! I hear you say. How am I going to come up with creative ideas? How do I even know where to start? Will this change devastate my team’s productivity or my company’s bottom line?
Fear not!
If you work smart and use the right tools, both employees and employers can benefit from a remote working arrangement. Here are our top five essential video templates for keeping remote workers productive and engaged.
How to Manage Remote Workers: The 5 Most Essential Video Templates
Set New Goals for the Week, Month, or Year!
Kickoff New Projects with an Action Plan
Easily Share Your Research with Colleagues
Train Employees from Anywhere with an Engaging Video
Follow Up On eMeetings with a Short Summary
Access These Video Templates & More
You can find these video templates (and others just like them) in the Powtoon template gallery.
Simply log into your account with your organization’s subdomain.
Click ‘More Templates’ from your My Powtoons page, and browse by category.

You can preview any template. When you find the one you want, just click ‘use’ to launch the Powtoon Studio.
We’re With You!
No matter whether your company is directly affected by the remote working tidal wave, or if you’re just getting prepared to keep seamless communications with your team, these video templates help you keep connected and engaged.
Learn more about Powtoon Business.
Please note: Powtoon is a visual communication platform, not a health organization. Information about the COVID-19 outbreak is changing by the minute. Please be sure to verify, by direct and live contact with your local health authorities, any specific health-related inquiries.
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