Powtoon for
Create Awesome Animated
Videos and Presentations

It's FREE and it's awesome
powtoons created

Popular HR Templates used daily


See what HR Professionals like you
are making with Powtoon


Discover Powtoon

Powtoon is
better than video!

Engage, explain and sell with impact using just a short, simple Powtoon. They’re proven to be more effective than any other form of video or text communications to grab attention in the workplace.


Professional looking
results in just 20 minutes

Use our done for you, ready-made templates to create a high quality Powtoon, fast.
Our “drag and drop” templates are designed, scripted and ready for you to use within minutes.


Get all the
help you need

Absolutely, Powtoon is as familiar to you as making a quick PowerPoint. But with millions of Tribe members all over the world, we know you might want some extra support (just in case). That’s why we’re here for you, every step of the way. Sign up for an upcoming live webinar or check out our training center. Plus, we’ll send you personalized invites, so make sure to check your emails from Powtoon.


Join the leaders!

Everyone loves and uses Powtoon. From the Fortune 500 companies to the Ivy League Universities to major Hollywood Studios to your next door neighbor. In fact, a Powtoon is created every second of the day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Tap into the awesomeness...it’s time to create a Powtoon.

Here's what HR professionals
say about Powtoon

  • I used Powtoons to inspire visitors.

    I used Powtoons to inspire visitors to create augmented reality experiences.

    Elaine Lapka , Education Manager, NASA
  • I can attribute most of my recent jump in sales to Powtoon.

    It has allowed me to use images and text to explain the technical aspects of how my products worked in a 1-2 minute video compared to a 3 paragraph text page which then increased my conversions by 300% in the first month!
    I love Powtoon and I am a huge fan!

    Raul G. Pla, CEO, SimpleWifi
  • A unique product that is affordable, that crushes the competition.

    Once we started offering videos as a additional service to our web and design products, our sales increased by 37%. Powtoon is so easy to use, and their service is amazing, allowing us to offer a unique product that is affordable, that crushes the competition.

    Matt Jones, CEO, Visioniz
  • Our subscription to Powtoon has paid for itself 100 times over. Ryan Deiss, CEO, Digital Marketer
  • People are just so visual and so impatient.

    People are just so visual and so impatient, Powtoon gives me a way to put in very high quality graphics. We do end up getting business from our Powtoons. They raise my work to a whole higher level.

    Laura Upcott, Co-founder, Stafflink
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The press loves us!

"Now Everyone Can Make Marketing Videos"


"Powtoon is a cheap, but a fun-filled and easy way creating presentations


"To make your video simply drag and drop the characters to the movide area and add text. A great feature is the ability to export straight to youtube, no hassle, no fuss"


"Using templates and built in voice elements you can have a product demo, feature walk-through, or marketing pitch without any equipment and talent at all"


“Powtoon - a very powerful do it by yourself animated presentation tool”

Duct Tape Marketing

“Powtoon’s creators took a look at incumbent presentation tools like PowerPoint, focused only on a subset of its most widely used features, and then “kicked them into high gear”

Sprout Insights