The Most Popular Learning Methods in 2023

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Work environments rapidly evolve due to innovative technologies, changing attitudes about work, industry shifts, and other factors. In virtually all fields and niches, organizations must be prepared for changes and developments that fundamentally impact how they do business.

Do you run a company or manage a team? If so, you must also account for the fact that learning and development methods change. Adapting to these shifts is key to optimizing learning and development in 2023. The following guide will help:

The Evolving Landscape of Learning and Development

Various technologies have influenced learning and development in 2023 and will likely continue to do so in the future. They include:

Digital platforms, in particular, have affected various companies’ approaches to L&D in recent years. Through online resources and learning management systems, delivering engaging and educational experiences to workers is easier than ever.

Benefits of Digital Platforms and Tools in Training Programs

Digital tools and platforms offer a range of potential advantages when applied to learning and development. Noteworthy benefits include:

  • Making L&D content more accessible
  • Allowing companies to scale their L&D efforts
  • Giving companies and team leaders the ability to track progress and monitor objectives

These are just a few general examples. How your workforce benefits from these digital tools and platforms may depend on how you implement them.

Personalized and Adaptive Learning Experiences

Machine learning and other such innovations can help those developing and delivering learning programs to analyze data regarding user experiences and outcomes more effectively. Theoretically, this may allow them to tailor experiences to the needs of each individual learner more effectively.

This is a critical element of learning and development in 2023. Research consistently indicates that consumers increasingly desire brands to offer them personalized experiences and marketing content. Such demand for personalization might also affect how workers feel about training and development.

Most Popular Learning Methods in the Workplace Now

Popular workplace learning methods to be aware of in 2023 include the following:


Training and development lessons and experience don’t always need to be relatively lengthy. Sometimes, employees don’t have time to sit through complete lessons. Depending on how relevant a lesson’s content is, a longer lesson could result in an employee losing focus during a session, thus preventing them from absorbing the content.

Microlearning offers an alternative. Microlearning lessons are “bite-sized,” often lasting no more than three to five minutes. While this doesn’t allow lessons to provide much information on broad topics, it can facilitate a lesson on a specific topic, such as how to use a particular tool or perform a procedure. 

Microlearning lessons shouldn’t necessarily take the place of traditional L&D sessions. However, what they can do is offer valuable content for learners who need to brush up on specific topics fast.


Gamification involves making learning and training more engaging using game-related elements such as scores and rewards. 

A simple way to gamify learning and development in 2023 is to merely reframe what employees accomplish when participating in training programs. For instance, some programs and platforms present training programs as if participants are warriors or other heroic figures developing skills that will help them on their “quests.” Every time a participant demonstrates they’ve cultivated a particular skill (completing a test, finishing a lesson, etc.), their “character” strengthens.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) for Immersive Experiences

VR and AR training are already fairly commonplace in some industries. For example, many surgeons use AR for training. Companies like UPS are using VR to train drivers and boost safety.

VR and AR offer immersive training experiences that simulate the real world. Often, delivering training programs through these methods is more cost-effective than training employees in person.

Blended Learning

Online and digital learning aren’t substitutes for in-person learning and development experiences. They’re often most effective when integrated with other methods of learning. A combination of digital learning and live, real-world learning allows for a high degree of flexibility.

Social Learning

Collaboration can play an essential role in boosting L&D outcomes. Again, you must simply consider that your employees may no longer be sharing the same office.

That doesn’t mean you can’t promote collaboration in training and development programs. It means you may need to use social media to facilitate said collaboration.

Mobile Learning

Even before the pandemic, numerous companies across a range of industries were experimenting with remote work and hybrid models. Such models are now more popular than ever.

This means many of a company’s employees may be traveling while they work. If they don’t work from an office, they’re free to work from essentially anywhere.

Mobile learning ensures these employees still have access to valuable L&D materials. When you develop L&D content, whenever possible, strive to ensure that workers can potentially access it from their smartphones and tablets.

The Use of Data-driven Insights

Artificial intelligence has the capacity to analyze data virtually nonstop. Because of this innovation, data analytics can play a larger role in a company’s decision-making than ever before.

Regarding learning and development, data analysis can reveal how effective specific training methods are. Insights from analytics can then be applied to make any necessary improvements and enhancements.

Just remember, while these are among the most popular learning methods in the workplace, L&D trends are constantly evolving. If you stay on top of these developments, your workforce will continue growing.

Scale Your L&D Strategy with Powtoon

Video content helps you scale L&D by allowing your company to create standardized learning and training sessions that can be delivered to employees across the globe. With Powtoon, developing such content is easy and affordable, even for those without video production experience. Sign up today to learn more about what Powtoon can do for you and your team.

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Hanna is Powtoon's Content Marketing Strategist. She joined Powtoon as a copywriter in 2019, after graduating from university with a specialized degree in marketing and business. She continues to inspire people to create incredible video content with blog posts, videos, guides, and more. Hanna's passions include reading, singing, and caring for animals (#proudvegan). Nothing makes her happier than waking up to her two black kitties who, contrary to popular belief, are good luck!
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