students helping the world with some help from video teacher spotlight clarissa ngo

Students Helping the World with Some Help from Video [Teacher Spotlight]

Read Time: 2 minutes

When we first met Clarissa Ngo — a brilliant, bubbly L.A. tutor educating international students (and getting them into top universities along the way) — our marketing team knew we had met someone very special.

Clarissa’s students are helping the world, each with world-changing ideas that enable others to lead better, happier, more fulfilled lives. To help get their visions off the ground and to fundraise for their kidtrepreneurial missions, Clarissa chose Powtoon to empower her students to share their journeys.

Here are a few of the incredible Powtoons her stellar students made…

The Rock Courage Club

Many of us are familiar with The Breakfast Club, but have you heard about The Courage Club? Inspired by a TED Talk on facing one’s fears, Clarissa decided to ask her students to email her once a day with something kind or courageous they did.  And boy did it take off!

From giving charity to those in need or building community composting bins, her student worked day-after-day to make the world a better place. The result? A Powtoon to exhibit all their Daily Courageous Acts to get kindness to go viral!  

The Promise Tree

When Clarissa’s 14-year-old student, Christina Peng, wanted to teach other kids that they could make a difference, she decided it was time to write a very special book, “Pimples of Promise.”

The book depicts a heartwarming and funny story about a girl who uses her passion to help others. Learn more about Christina’s book and where the money she raised through it goes below!

Dear Sage

Another gem developed by Christina, Dear Sage is a humanitarian project that connects children with senior citizens to learn age-old wisdom. This community project was to offer companionship to the elderly while learning pearls of wisdom from the past.

True Paws Kitchen

Possibly the Powtoon video that stole my heart, True Paws Kitchen is the rhyming video story of a 13-year-old named Katrina. In it, she tells how she came to create her own organic dog food — and how she plans to share it with the world!

Such an adorable set of our characters, props, and uploaded media bring the story to life with Katrina’s voiceover.  

More Updates From Clarissa & Her Kids!

Clarissa & her kiddos wanted to share the reasons why Powtoon is their secret weapon. Clarissa tipped her hat to her students for helping to put this video together, saying, “14-year-old Christina Peng tirelessly edited it, and Brandon Hill and Tony Zeng provided the film.  My students, my nephews, and I provided the ‘talent.'”
Sisters Isabelle and Hannah turned a scary situation into an awareness-raising kids book to demystify allergies. The profits they collect will go to buy epipens for kids in need.
15-year-old Avril made this video to help shelter pets with the dog book she illustrated!

Feeling Inspired?

Feeling inspired by these young, bright, and creative students helping the world? Learn more about Clarissa’s work by checking out her website at Imaginate Ink.

Unleash your own passion projects and use video to bring your message to life with Powtoon!

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Shoshi Davis

Shoshi joined Powtoon as a Marketing Assistant. To read more of her stuff, you can find her content on Upwork and Business 2 Community talking all things inbound marketing for SaaS. After only 2 weeks at Powtoon, Shoshi was dubbed by the marketing team as having the superpower of "Unbridled Enthusiasm." So that was pretty cool.
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