Back to School: Win Powtoon for Your Entire School! [#PowtoonMySchool 2018]
The #PowtoonMySchool Challenge is live! But before I tell you more… a quick word about this amazing time of year.
The new school year: The weather is awesome, there’s energy buzzing all around, and who doesn’t love buying new school supplies?
Sometimes it feels like the school year never really ends for us at Powtoon. Every time we open up Twitter or Facebook, we see amazing pictures and videos of students using Powtoon to add a touch of awesomeness to their classrooms.
That’s why we’ve been hatching Back to School plans all summer long! This year, we wanted to try something different… This year, we wanted to go BIG!
Powtoon wants to adopt your school!
Not your class. Not your grade. Not your department…
We want to Powtoonify your ENTIRE school or university.
(Watch this short Powtoon to see what it’s all about!)
What You Can Win
Join the #PowtoonMySchool Challenge and you could win our full Classroom Elite package for free for everyone at your school or university!
Classroom Elite is our top EDU package. With it, make sub-accounts for your students, create Powtoons up to an hour in length, access up to 10GB of storage, with full privacy control, 24/7 priority support, and unlimited access to all premium soundtracks, characters, props, and videos — all in HD!
The winning school will also get live online training with Powtoon’s Webinar Masters, Nick & Nirel, and we’ll feature your winning Powtoon on our website and across our social media accounts!
How To Enter
Step 1: Create a video
All you have to do to enter is create an awesome 30-60 second Powtoon video explaining why your school should win.
Pro tip: Why not make it a class project? 🙂
It doesn’t matter if you’re a teacher, student, professor, or an entire class; the only rule you need to follow is: the awesomer the better.
Step 2: Post on social
Post your video to social media (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) and tag us using the hashtag #PowtoonMySchool in the text of your post to be entered to win! (Don’t forget to tell us the name of your school!)
The deadline to submit your Powtoon is Midnight ET on September 30th, so get started today!
Step 3: Join our EDU group on Facebook
We will post the winning school in our Powtoon EDU group on Facebook in October. Join the group here to interact with our awesome community of EDU users, and to stay tuned for the big announcement.
Make The ’18-’19 School Year Awesome! Join the #PowtoonMySchool Challenge!
Click here for full contest details and answers to any questions you may have.
Good luck and we can’t wait to see all of your awesome Powtoon creations!