When you work at a relatively large corporation, part of your job will almost always involve staying in touch with your teammates throughout the day and week. You may thus be well…
An effective investor deck can play a critical role in the success of your startup. Even if you have a strong idea for a business and the drive to grow it, your…
Many learning and development presentation topics are standard across companies: leadership development, cultural competency and diversity appreciation, sexual harassment prevention, and onboarding. If you’re looking to expand your offerings, here are some…
Regardless of the specific nature of your industry, if you’re a supervisor or manager working in a large corporation, your job may at times involve delivering project presentations to employees and clients.…
No matter what you’re selling, you’re more likely to attract customers if your sales presentations are dynamic. One effective way to create a dynamic sales deck is by incorporating video presentations. Visual…
There are nearly limitless options to choose from when making a training video, but animated videos have a few advantages over other types of videos. Here’s what you need to know to…
Videos add value to every type of communication, but creating high-quality visual pieces is challenging if you don’t have the right technical skills or editing tools. Thankfully, Powtoon’s visual communication platform is…