The Great Calls To Action
All of us at Powtoon are here to help you with some great call-to-action tips, because we know that every article you read on how to end your video or presentation always says that a call to action is crucial (and it really is)! So how do we maneuver this, make it interesting, and not fall into the trap of making it sound unprofessional or forced?
You can have more than 1 “Call to Action”
Perhaps you want to your audience to press a button to sign up for your newsletter, but you also have a important link you want them to click on in order to preview the books you are selling, for example. And maybe, your final call to action is a link to one of your special website offers. You can decide if more than one call to action is necessary, and implement it how you see fit, but when including a button in your call to action (and please, only use one button per story) pick one that is colorful and visually appealing,and always use a button for your primary call to action.
One thing to remember is that there are four types of Calls to Action. Powtoon contributor Russ explains these in his video “The four types of calls to action that work best”, so let’s listen to his words of wisdom for some great advice!
Use humor and catchy wording
• Using words and phrases like: today only, instantly, now, in seconds, before it’s too late, sign up now, etc. can really draw attention and get people interested in clicking on your links
• Adding some humor surrounding your call to action so that it’s packaged together in an appealing way is ALWAYS a good idea
• Press this button if you have had your morning coffee and are awake enough to explore your free Powtoon account and enjoy experimenting with various calls to action. See, I slipped one in there when you weren’t looking.
Communicate the added value
When you ask your viewers to sign up, purchase, visit your site, or give you a call, what do they get out of it? After all, in most cases, you are introducing yourself for the first time to people through your message. So why should they bother? This video is one of the best examples that not only throws in more than one call to action throughout the video, but also provides ample reasons to want to follow through on her requests. Powtoon also knows how to throw in great reasons to follow our requests, I mean we even offer a free account for those who sign up, showing the added value. See how I slipped that in again when you weren’t looking? Let’s check out this brilliant video with great calls to action.
Calls to action don’t have to be stressful. Have fun with them and see what transpires! And remember, Sign Up today for Powtoon because, why not? It’s FREE!