This is the Best and Fastest Way to Hire New Employees (that are Awesome)
I recently attended a Google conference with guest speaker Shahar Waiser, the CEO and founder of Get Taxi (and about a dozen other multi million dollar companies). At the end of his talk, questions were flying at him left and right. What marketing tactics do you employ? how much do you invest in R&D? When should you approach investors?
He repeated the same answer over and over again; the number one factor that influenced his success was his choice of staff. The secret is to “hire really smart, really amazing people,” and never give up until you find a perfect fit for the position. Shahar emphasized this point by telling us about his latest hire.
He spent months trying to fill a managerial tech position in his company, but all the candidates he met were not up to par, they just didn’t have the X factor. One year had now passed and he was desperate, exhausted and ready to throw his hands up in the air until… Poof! The candidate of his dreams strolled into his office.
Although I give Shahar credit for his determination in finding the perfect match – and refusing to settle, this story is a bit ludicrous! It should not take an employer one full year to hire new employees, (that must’ve been draining)!
The right candidates should be drawn to you like bees to pollen; Pollen does not go out looking for bees.
In today’s economy, finding the right candidates is critical. Entrepreneurs and business owners don’t have the time or energy, or money to invest in a bad hire (a recent Forbes article by David K. Williams estimates the cost of a bad hire at $25-$50,000)!
So how do you attract the best candidates?
An employer’s goal is to attract Awesomeness; candidates who are best suited for the position and who possess a personality that will learn, grow, thrive and contribute to the company. But you can’t entice awesome people to apply to your company when you tout a boring job description.
Boring job descriptions result in boring job candidates.
So instead of scanning email after email, and reading cover letter after cover letter – of unqualified, uninteresting people – harness the power of animation and do this instead:
‘We’re Hiring’ Video Job Advertisement (with flair)
Now that’s no ordinary job description, and that’s why an attention-grabbing video ad is the best way to find and hire the most awesome employees!
Create your own’We’re Hiring’ Job Description Video Now!
How did you find and hire your most successful and awesome staff members? Let us know in the comments below!