When Is Black Friday?! A Beginner’s Guide to Video Ads [3 Quick Steps]
Video Transcript:
First things first, ladies and gentlemen, this year, Black Friday falls on Friday, November 26th, 2021. Black Friday is notorious for massive deals and throngs of people ready to buy. So how do you ride this tidal wave of consumer activity even if you’re a beginner? The answer is simple. Video ads. I’m Nick from Powtoon and today we’re going to learn how to make a Black Friday video ad in three quick steps. We don’t have a second to waste, please like this video, subscribe for more and let’s dive right in.
The first step is to capture attention. Remember, you’re fighting cute cat videos and people’s crazy uncles on social media feeds. So if you want to stand out, you got to choose a video format that captures attention. Come with me here to our templates. I click templates. I’m going to filter for marketing videos, and I’m going to choose video ads. The format is simple. You use engaging, attention-grabbing stock footage, a clip, and then there’s room for a message. We’ll talk more about that in step two. If you’re not finding what you’re looking for, that’s okay, because in any one of these templates you can swap out that stock footage to any other clip you want. Let’s take a look at this one here.
So this could definitely work. This could definitely work. You know what? I’m just going to go ahead and choose to edit this template and that will launch it back to the studio.
Once you’ve got their attention, then you need to make a connection and you do that with the message of your video. Here’s a line of text for the setup. In the next slide, we see the punchline if you will, and with this sort of video, you’re not necessarily talking directly about your product. We’re really here to bring attention to your Black Friday deal. So let’s go ahead and edit the text. Oops. So awesome. Right? A Black Friday deal so awesome. And with this, just to see how this comes in, right? There’s that box and then the join thing comes down under it.
So what I actually want to do is arrange this a little differently. I don’t need this text anymore. This text I’m going to update to, they’ll throw you a and we’ll just adjust the size, and we can also adjust the size of the box behind it. And I just want to take this text and a flash mob. Okay. Obviously, it just needs to readjust the size of this text box. Flash mob. And also I want to be sure the box that goes over it is here.
And the other thing we want to do is take this guy along with its box, just move it right here. They’ll throw you a flash mob. Okay? So this way, we’ve got our hook. We’ve got a video, right? Here’s a crazy bunch of people dancing in unison in the street. It’s perhaps somewhere in Asia, right? It’s definitely not your normal video that you’re seeing going through the scroll. And this has the opportunity to stop someone, capture their attention. A Black Friday deal is so awesome. So awesome, what? A Black Friday deal so awesome they’ll throw you a flash mob, right? It’s just fun. It makes that connection. It ties up the text of your message with the video that people are seeing, right? And it’s just a wonderful way to get into people’s hearts a little bit and to get a little more attention than that next ad. So one last step.
Before you finish your video, it’s super important to share that offer, right? You’ve taken the time to get on people’s radar and you’ve won their hearts, right? With a connection, you made with your text, with your little joke. Now, they’re ready. You want to tell them exactly what to do. Show this offer here, right here. Let’s actually change this to 50% off. Am I nuts? No, I’m not nuts because 50% off is exactly the kind of deal people are ready for on Black Friday. If there’s ever a time to give your biggest, steepest, most generous discount of the year, Black Friday is that time. 50% off. And you know what? I’m just going to make this even bigger, even bigger. Why not? Even bigger than this. Let’s go all the way to 100, 101. Why not?
And we’ll just make this a little bit bigger. You know what? We’re going to have to make this whole thing a little bit bigger, but that’s okay. Just like that. And we can move this. Every … Oops. Every plan is now 50% off, right? Update your website. You can also insert your logo. This is super important, especially at the end. You want to connect those good feelings with your brand and with this deal. So be sure to insert your logo, just double click and you can upload an image.
Nick’s Guitars. Boom. And there’s my logo. I’m just going to crop it a little so it’s a little bit clearer. And there we go. Go and update the website. Oops. Nicksguitars.com. [inaudible 00:06:20] Why we make this now, every guitar is now 50% off. Boom. Beautiful. I think we’re ready to preview what we’ve got. Let’s preview.
See, you’ve got exactly what you need. A quirky, fun video that grabs attention. A message there that makes a connection, right? Shows a bit of your sense of humor and really draws attention to your Black Friday deal and finally bringing it home, offering that deal. It’s a big deal. Nick’s guitars, any guitar, 50% off. Come get it now, Black Friday madness. You’re going to love it. I think we’re ready to export. You’ve got all these wonderful export options up here. And especially when we’re talking about ads, right? You can actually export directly to the Facebook ads manager if you’re advertising on Facebook or Instagram. Upload directly to YouTube for ads you’re going to be running on YouTube or you can download an MP4 so you can put that on any platform you like. We’ll just go ahead and make a Powtoon player page. We’re going to do the full quality and remove that Powtoon watermark. And we’ve got our video.
See how easy it is? Black Friday isn’t just for those big-box behemoths out there. It’s within reach for anyone who can capture attention, make a connection and share an irresistible Black Friday deal. And the beauty of making your own video ad is that you can tweak, update, iterate, and make more video ads for Cyber Monday, the holidays and beyond. And no matter what you need to communicate in this world, just remember to communicate visually with Powtoons visual communication platform.