4 Awesome Teachers Making Major Waves in EDU with Powtoon
Awesome teachers make all the difference. My second grade teacher, Ms. Farkas, was one of those. She truly went above and beyond. Though computers were very new then, she insisted our class have the latest and greatest. My love of technology was ignited during that year.
Awesome teachers and awesome technology. When you put them together…
Awesome Teachers Making Major Waves with Powtoon
I went through some recent messages I received from educators just to see what happens when awesome technology meets awesome teachers. I couldn’t help but share…
2nd Graders Powtoon Their Way to Science Fair Superstardom
The grammar school science fair. A mainstay of all of our childhoods. But forget about poster board and boring cutout paper charts. Jill R.’s class took the top prize with a Powtoon.
“My 2nd graders are fascinated by how easy and fun it is to create presentations with Powtoon. We even won first place in the K-2nd grade Science Fair with our presentation. I believe our top prize was due to our fun Powtoon presentation.” Jill R., K–12 teacher, USA
Building the Literature-Media Connection
Creating animation injects an energy into learning that you can’t quite explain. Suzan B. was brimming with excitement just to share it with colleagues. And she’s using it to spearhead an important new movement in her county.
“I was so excited when I discovered Powtoon. I couldn’t wait to show my peers Powtoon’s capabilities. My students love it and my school has used Powtoon in a variety of ways — from launching professional training to student remediation modules. This year, I will be pioneering a new position in my school — Literature-Media Connections. Of course Powtoon will be a big part of my classes. I teach at a Title I at-risk school. Powtoon engages the students and allows them to express their creativity. Thank you Powtoon!” Suzan B., Director of Literature/Media Connections, Hall County, Georgia
From Underperforming to Awesome!
Ok, stories like these really make my day. Judi W. is taking her fifth grade students to the next level. Her creative approach to integrated learning is helping her students get a holistic education in ELA, Social Studies and Math — and Powtoon is helping accomplish it all!
“I am the Inter-related co-teacher for a group of creative fifth grade students who love creativity AND technology. Our fifth grade team focused on improving ELA last year and this year we are focusing on Math and Writing. We have decided to try flipping Science and Social Studies and integrate the curriculum with ELA and Math centers. PowToon is helping us accomplish all this and go from an underperforming school to an AWESOME school!” Judi W., Fifth grade teacher, USA
Skills for the Classroom & Beyond
Teachers are our guides — so they better have an idea of what’s coming down the road! Fabiola F. has the future in mind when her students work with technology. Not only is she thinking about the assignment at-hand, she’s thinking about these students’ success in college and their first job interviews. And her students know the work they do isn’t just for a grade, it’s for a lifetime.
“We have used Powtoon for about three years with great results! Most of my students have developed learning skills such presentation design, research skills, video recording, and oral skills. Every year the students are eager to use the program specially for social studies presentations. Thank you for providing a great educational program which helps them in real life situations.” Fabiola F., K–12 teacher, USA
Make Waves in Your Classroom!
There’s nothing like having the right tool for the job. That’s why we created Powtoon Classroom accounts, specifically designed for teachers. Sign up and harness your students’ full potential today!